

[sc_alert_box icon_shape="square" icon_size="small" button_link_target="_self" button_2_link_target="_self" shadow="" centered="1" icon_color="#4c5867" icon_background_color="#f1f5f8" button_text="WEB" button_background_color="#8fbf75" background_color="#ffffff" button_2_background_color="#ff7070" icon_border_color="#4c5867" button_link="" image="11813" border_color="#f1f5f8"] DNEPROPETROVSK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN V. LAZARYAN Name of Member: Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan Acronym: DIIT E-mail: Telephone: +3805637315-44, +380567765947, +380567931900 Address:Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, ...


Name of Member: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Hellenic Institute for Transport Acronym: CERTH/HITE-mail: : hit(at), akorts(at) Telephones: 0030 2310498457, 0030 2111069591, 0030 2111069594 Address: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Hellenic Institute for Transport, 6th km Charilaou – Thermis Rd. PO Box 361, 57001, Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece The railway operations and infrastructures sections of the ...

TEST S.c.a r.l.

[sc_alert_box icon_shape="square" icon_style="" icon_size="small" button_link_target="_self" button_2_link_target="_self" shadow="" centered="1" icon_color="#4c5867" icon_background_color="#f1f5f8" button_text="WEB" button_background_color="#8fbf75" background_color="#ffffff" button_2_background_color="#ff7070" icon_border_color="#4c5867" button_link="" image="11800" border_color="#f1f5f8"] TEST S.C.A R.L. – CAMPANIA REGION (ITALY) - REGIONAL CENTRE OF COMPETENCE FOR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Name of Member: TEST S.c.a r.l. – Campania Region (Italy) - Regional Centre of Competence for Transportation Systems Acronym: TEST E-mail: crdctrasporti(at) Telephone: 0039 081 7685123 Address: ...

University of The Basque Country, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Communications

Name of Member: University of The Basque Country, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Communications Acronym: UPV/EHUE-mail: ernesto.garciavadillo(at) , marina.aguado(at) Telephone: 0034 94 601 4223, 0034 94 601 3967 Address: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Alameda de Urquijo s/n 48013-Bilbao (Spain) The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), with more than 5,000 researchers, of which more than 2,800 ...

State Scientific – Research Centre of Railway Transport of Ukraine

[sc_alert_box icon_shape="square" icon_size="small" button_link_target="_self" button_2_link_target="_self" shadow="" centered="1" icon_color="#4c5867" icon_background_color="#f1f5f8" button_text="WEB" button_background_color="#8fbf75" background_color="#ffffff" button_2_background_color="#ff7070" icon_border_color="#4c5867" button_link="" image="11795" border_color="#f1f5f8"] STATE SCIENTIFIC - RESEARCH CENTRE OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT OF UKRAINE Name of Member: State Scientific - Research Centre of Railway Transport of Ukraine Acronym: DNDC UZ E-mail: Telephone: 0038(044) 465 38 10, 0038(050) 416 84 15 Address: State Scientific - Research Centre of ...

Donetsk Railway Transport Institute

DONETSK RAILWAY TRANSPORT INSTITUTE Name of Member: Donetsk Railway Transport Institute, Ukraine Acronym: DRTIE-mail: :,, Telephone: 0038 062 319 08 31 Address: Artema str. 184, 83122, Donetsk, Ukraine The research activities od DRTI are focused on the improvement and development of new technologies in railway transport and is conducted in the following areas: environmental protection and reduce of ...


UBIMET INSTITUTE FOR UBIQUITOUS METEOROLOGY Name of Member: UBIMETE-mail: info(at) Telephone:0043 1263 11 22 Address: UBIMET Ares Tower / Donau City Straße 11, 1220 Wien, Austria UBIMET is one of the world’s leading private weather service providers. The partners and clients of UBIMET are provided with fully customised, highly precise and time-relevant forecasts and severe weather warnings. UBIMET’s Research & Development team works ...

TU Berlin Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge

Name of Member: Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge (Chair of railway vehicles) Acronym: TUB FGSFZE-mail: markus.hecht(at) Telephone: 0049(0)3031425150 Address: Technische Universität Berlin Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge   Sekretariat SG14, Salzufer 17-19, 10587 Berlin, Germany Apart of the activities on intensive railway educational programsthe Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge (Rail Vehicles) organizes its research activities in the fields: Running gear of vehicles, mainly freight, trams and ...

Brno University of Technology

[sc_alert_box icon_shape="square" icon_style="" icon_size="small" button_link_target="_self" button_2_link_target="_self" shadow="" centered="1" icon_color="#4c5867" icon_background_color="#f1f5f8" button_text="WEB" button_background_color="#8fbf75" background_color="#ffffff" button_2_background_color="#ff7070" icon_border_color="#4c5867" button_link="http://www." image="11235" border_color="#f1f5f8"] BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Name of Member: Brno University of Technology Acronym: Telephone: Address: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius risus quis sagittis interdum. Praesent vel nulla ut nunc ornare viverra. Ut lacus quam, laoreet at egestas quis, accumsan ...