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Name of Member: Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan
Acronym: DIIT
Telephone: +3805637315-44, +380567765947, +380567931900
Address:Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryana str., 2, 49010 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Structurally, the University consists of 10 faculties that fully meet the demand in qualified personnel from all the branches of railway transport. The academic staff of the University   includes   450   teachers, 75 percent among them hold academic degrees. Teaching is realized by 63 Full Doctors, more than 350 Ph.D., 18 Members of branch academies, 85 Laureates of State and special prizes, and many Honorary scientists and workers in various branches of economy.

The training of professional researchers and lecturers is realized at the Doctorate Courses (6 specialties) and the Post-Graduate Courses (17 specialties). The applicants for the degree defend their PhD and Doctor’s dissertations in 2 Academic Councils functioning in the University.

The very important goal of the University is the integration into the world educational and scientific community. The University carries out both training and research activities. University has 6 leading research department – Test Centre, Research and Development Establishment of rolling stock, track and constructions, Institute of innovation management and intellectual property, Project Design and Technological Bureau for design and modernization of rolling stock, track and structures, Specialized Design and Technological Bureau “Microprocessor systems of control and safety”, Specialized Design and Technological Bureau of railway transport „Infratransproekt-DIIT“ and 22 branch scientific research laboratories.

The University actively cooperates with foreign companies operating on the transport market. Under this framework a wide range of scientific investigations on design of transport facilities, equipment and training technologies have been carried out for Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, China.

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  • Railway transport
  • rolling stock
  • railway infrastructure
  • traction power supply
  • saving of energy
  • operation of railways
  • railways strategy
  • freight railways


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  • economics
  • railway dynamics
  • railway simulation
  • training of railway drivers and interlocking staff
  • railway signaling
  • wheel-rail interaction
  • EMC
  • testing of rolling stock and elements of infrastructure
  • interoperability


  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Myamlin Sergey: Vice-Rector for R&D works, professor of the Department of car and car facilities. Basic fields of research: improving the design of railway vehicles, theoretical and experimental studies of the dynamics and strength of railway vehicles, interaction of rolling stock and track, modeling dynamic loading of railway vehicles, traffic safety, wear of wheel sets and rails, development and testing of new designs of bogies of various types of railway vehicles.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Kuznetsov Valeriy: Head of the Project Management Department, professor of the Department of Power Supply of Railways. Basic fields of research: Traction power supply systems, energy saving measures, reliability of power supply systems, relay protection, training and education activities.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Kozachenko Dmitry: Head of the R&D Department, professor of the Department “Management of the Operational Work”. Basic fields of research: interoperability, the organization of railway transportation, simulation of technological processes in transport, traffic safety, transport logistics.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Sychenko Victor: Head of the Department of Power Supply of Railways. Basic fields of research: Traction power supply systems, EMC, quality of electric energy.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Hawryluk Vladimir: Head of the Department of Automation and Telecommunications. Basic fields of research: interoperability, EMC, reliability of interlocking systems.
  • Prof. Dr. Sc. Belyaev, N. N. Head of the Department “Hydraulics and water supply”. Basic fields of research: Mathematical models of hydrodynamics and mass transfer processes in the water supply and sanitation, computer simulation methods for solving the tasks of water level on flooded areas, modeling of the environmental pollution after the accidents on the railway.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Vakulenko I. A. Head of the Department “Technology of manerials”. Basic fields of research: materials science.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Zelenko Yu. V. Professor of the Department “Chemistry and engineering ecology” Basic fields of research: ecology, noise, environmental safety, resource conservation, transportation of dangerous goods, biotechnology, environmental economics.
  • Prof., Dr. Sc. Kurgan N. B. Head of the Department “Design and construction of the roads” Basic fields of research: Infrastructure, track facilities, interoperability, interaction between track and rolling stock.
  • Assoc. Prof., PhD Patlasov A. M. Head of the Postgraduate learning Center, ass. Prof. of the Department “Track and track facilities”. Basic fields of research: Infrastructure, track, education.
  • Assoc. Prof., PhD Zhizhko K. V. Deputy Head of the Project Management Department, ass. Prof. of the Department “Economic and Management”. Basic fields of research: Economy, organization of comprehensive research, training and education.
  • Mgr. Sc. Chernova N.S. Head of the International Relation Department, lecturer of the Department “Economic and Management”. Basic fields of research: training and education.

A selection of projects, activities and papers:

Conducting a comprehensive comparative tests for pantographs on AC railway -2012.

Certification tests for electric locomotive 2ЭC6 – 2011.

Certification tests of open cars production for China – 2011.

Tests of interregional trains Shkoda

Investigation of influence of AC contact line to power lines, which are located on catenary poles -2012

Tests of interregional trains Hyundai- 2014

Researching and development of methods of integrated track infrastructure assessment and its quantitative indicators – 2013.

Methodical recommendations for sorting hump operators for device control on mechanized and automated sorting humps, 2011

Testing of voltage quality on DC traction station – 2015

Inspection and tests of the bridge crossing through Dneprovskaya hydroelectric power station.

 Currently the Department of Hydraulics & Water Supply participates in NATO Grant in 2013 in the field of the development of the numerical models to simulate air pollution after accidents and terror acts. (SPS.NUKR.SFP 984693), also the University has an experience in training project under program TEMPUS:

MISCTIF Master: “Interoperability / Safety / Certification” in Ukraine and Central Asia international railway transport;

CITISET. Communication and Information Technology for Improvement Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Flows: EU-RU-UA Master and PhD Programs in Intelligent Transport Systems;

MieTGV -Joint European project «Master of infrastructure and exploitation of high-speed railway transport in Russia and Ukraine»;

SEREIN -„Modernization of postgraduate studies on security and resilience for human and industry related domains“.


Myamlin S. V. Modeling of the rail vehicles dynamic: Monograph/ S.V. Myamlin.- Dnepropetrovsk : Publ. New ideology, 2002. 240 p.

Zelenko Yu., Myamlin S., Sandovskiy M. Scientific foundation of management of the environmental safety of oil product turnover in railway transport – D.: Publ. Litograf, 2014. – 332 p.

Zelenko Yu., Myamlin S., Neduja L. Parametric ecology on railway: prinprinciples, assessment, control, security: monograph – D.: Publ. Litograf, 2014. – 240 p.

Manashkin L., Myamlin S., Prikhodko V. Oscillation Dampers and Shock Absorbers in Railway Vehicles (Mathematical Models) [Text] : monograph. – Dnepropetrovsk : V. Makovetsky, 2010. – 178 p.

Bubnov V. Theoretical and experimental investigations of strength properties of cast parts for freight cars bogie with axle load of 245 kN / Bubnov V., Myamlin S., Mankevych N. // Transbaltica 2013: proc. of the 8th international scientific conf., 9-10 may 2013, Vilnius. – Vilnius: VGTU Technika, 2013. – P. 9-12.

Myamlin S. Construction analysis of mechanical parts of locomotives / Myamlin S., Luchanin M., Neduzha L. // TEKA Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture. – 2013. – Vol.13, N3. – P.162-169

Myamlin S. and other. Determination of the dynamic characteristics of freight wagons with various bogie //Transport. – 2015. – V. 30. – №. 1. – P. 88-92.

Myamlin S.V. Choosing of Suspension Gear Parameters of Coache Model 61-779 / S. Myamlin, V. Prikhod’ko, V. Zhyzhko, O. Shkabrov // 9-th International conference on railway bogies and running gears. – Budapest, Hungary, 9 – 12 September, 2013. – P.357-359.

Kuznetsov V.G. Rationing of electricity consumption for railway consumers: monograph / V.G. Kuznetsov. – D.: Publ. Makovetskiy Y., 2012. – 216 p.

Kuznetsov V. G., Sablin O.I. Assessment of energy saving potential in the subway by means of energy regeneration / Material of the conference „Advanced Rail Technologies“.-2014.-Warszawa:Railway Institute.- P.59.

Sychenko V.G., Bosyj D.O., Pastushenko M.S., Kosarev Ie. M. Increasing the efficiency of the traction power supply in the application of renewable sources of electricity/ Problemy Kolejnictwa – Is. 162, 2014. – P. 65-82.

Bobrovskiy V. I., Kozachenko D. N., Vernigora R. V. Functional simulation of railway stations on the basis of finite-state automatа // Transport Problems. – 2014. – Vol. 9, iss. 3. – P. 57–65.

Vakulenko I., Kowalik A., Coursewhich B. Effect of grain size of ferrite on the formation of bands of deformation in low carbon steel / ХІV International scientific conf. „New technologies and achievements in metalurgy, material engineering and production engineering“. Czestochowa, Poland, 2013, vol.1, P.73-76.

Belyaev N.N., Gunko E.Yu., Mashihina P.B. Mathematical modeling in problems of environmental safety and emergency monitoring: monograph. – D. Accent PP, 2013. – 159 p.

Zelenko Y.V. Development of measures to eliminate the environmental impacts of transport accidents with petroleum products: monograph / V. Zelenko. – D. Pabl. Makovetskii Y., 2010. – 142 p.

Kurgan N., Voznaya E. Increased interoperability in international rail transport Austria-Slovakia-Ukraine-Russia / Ukrainian Railways. – 2014. Is. 12, P. 24-33.

Method of filling controlling for under hill track: patent/ Havryliuk V.I., Dub V.Y., Dnepropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan.- № u 2009 13552, appl. 25.12.2009, Publ. 25.06.2010, Bull. Number 12. – 5 p. (ukr)

A method of switches diagnosing: the patent/ Malovichko M.V., Buryak S.Y., Havryliuk V.I., Dnepropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan. – № u 2009 13569, appl. 25.12.2009, Publ. 25.06.2010, Bull. Number 12. – 5 p. (ukr).