On Track Lab
Acronym: OTL E-mail: m.verschelde@ieseg.fr ,bart.roets@infrabel.be, leon.sobrie@ugent.be
Telephone: 0032 9 264 35 77
Address:Ghent University, Campus Tweekerken, Sint-Pietersplein 7, Ghent, Belgium
The On Track Lab is a multidisciplinary research centre that focuses on novel control room research for railways and other safety-critical industries.
Our research is oriented towards both the managerial and the operational level. Leveraged by an intense industry-academia cooperation, the mission of our Lab is to “Empower control room managers with control room analytics and operational intelligence”.
Our founding members from Belgium (Ghent University, Infrabel) and France (IÉSEG School of Management) reflect the international perspective of the Lab. We have also forged links with industry and academic partners from the Netherlands (ProRail) and the USA (Virginia Tech’s System Performance Lab).
- Rail Vehicles
- The Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for Sound and Vibration Research
- Lightweight Structures
- Transport Planning
- Structural Engineering and Bridges
- Soil and Rock Mechanics
- Electrical Energy Conversion
- Information Science and Engineering
- Network and Systems Engineering
- Railway transport
- Railway infrastructure
- Operation of railways
- Railways strategy
- Freight railways
- Logistics
- Economics
- Container transport
- Railway dynamics incl. aerodynamics
- Prof.dr. Johan Christiaens, Ghent University,(co-founder)
- Prof.dr. Marijn Verschelde, IÉSEG School of Management, (co-founder)
- Dr.ir. Bart Roets, Infrabel, (co-founder)
- Doctoral candidate Léon Sobrie, Ghent University,
- Data Scientist-Mathematician Jasmijn De Clercq, Infrabel,
- All members and fellows can be found at ontracklab.com/team
- SamurAI: real-time prediction of train delays and traffic controller workload
- BALANCE: optimising workload balance in control rooms through smart work design
- DOMINO: real-time prediction and prevention of delay propagation effects in transportation
- STAR: socio-technical assessment of risk (collaboration with Virginia Tech)
- EDISON: analysis of safety events and near-misses (collaboration with Virginia Tech)
A selection of projects, activities and papers:
- Cherchye, L., De Rock, B., Saelens, D., Verschelde, M., & Roets, B. (2021). Efficiency analysis with unobserved inputs: An application to endogenous automation in railway traffic management. Available at SSRN 3820457. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3820457
- Verschelde, M., Hennebel, V., Roets, B., Sobrie, L. (2020). Real-time delay prediction in Railway Transportation. Mimeo. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, Railway Applications Section. 2020 Virtual – Railway Applications Section (informs.org)
- Topcu, T. G., Triantis, K., Roets, B. (2019). Estimation of the workload boundary in socio-technical infrastructure management systems: The case of Belgian railroads. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(1), 314-329.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.04.009
- Roets, B., & Christiaens, J. (2019). Shift work, fatigue, and human error: An empirical analysis of railway traffic control. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 11(2), 207-224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2017.1376022
- Roets, B., Verschelde, M., Christiaens, J. (2018). Multi-output efficiency and operational safety: An analysis of railway traffic control centre performance. European Journal of Operational Research, 271 (1), 224-237. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.04.045
- Roets, B., Christiaens, J. (2015). Evaluation of railway traffic control efficiency and its determinants. European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research, 15(4), 396-418. https://www.tudelft.nl/tbm/over-de-faculteit/afdelingen/engineering-systems-and-services/research/ejtir/back-issues/volume15-2015/