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Name of Member: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering (Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions)
Acronym: BUT FCE
Telephone: 00421 541 147 321
Address: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions, Veveri 331/95, CZ 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

The Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions provides education in bachelor, master and doctoral study programs in courses on design of railway structures, railway substructure and superstructure design of railway stations, modernization and optimization of railway tracks, mechanization and realization of railway structures, measure engineering and simulating, transport systems and geographic information systems.

Research and professional activities of the institute are focused on designing and assessment of modern and effective railway structures regarding improving reliability and safety of railway transport. The main activities of the institute are arranged in the followings topics:

  • Design: support for designing of railway structures, cooperation in preparation of modernization and reconstructions studies of railway and tram tracks, design of railway stations;
  • Track structure: static and dynamic analyses of railway structures incl. experimental, calculations of stability and reliability of railway superstructure and substructure, short or long term continual monitoring and diagnosis of track components, assessment of LCC;
  • Maintenance and Construction: technology and procedures of track works, maintenance optimization and strategy, logistic;
  • Environment: measuring and analyses of acoustic and vibration parameters of railway structures as well as other civil and machinery structures, modelling of noise originated in road or railway transport, mitigation measures.
  • Assoc. Prof. Otto Plášek, M.Sc. Ph.D.: head of the institute, static and dynamic analyses, of stability and reliability of railway structures, track and railway stations design.
  • Prof. Jaroslav Smutný, M.Sc., Ph.D.: measuring and analyses of acoustic and vibration parameters, modelling of noise, experimental analyses.
  • Richard Svoboda, M.Sc., Ph.D.: maintenance and construction works, strategy and logistic, design of railway stations incl. marshaling yards.
  • Miroslava Hruzíková, M.Sc., Ph.D.: static and dynamic analyses of railway structures, testing and monitoring of track components, economic issues.
  • Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Seelmann: railway transport, electric railways (power supply and systems), railway strategies, urban transportation, transport economics.

Scientific and creative work of academic and creative employees of Faculty of Civil Engineering is oriented both on national and international funding programs: Czech Science Foundation (GA CR), Technology agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), the ministries of the Czech Republic, especially the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MPO), Ministry of Transport and Communications (MDS), and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT), Bilateral International Co-operation, Frame Programmes, European Programmes for Support and Research, etc.

Examples of institute current or recent activities:

CESTI: Centre for Effective and Sustainable Transport Infrastructure, Progressive Technical, Technological and Cost Aspects of Infrastructure of Railway Tracks and City Rail Systems

Improvement of Track Quality in S&C: Application of elastic components in switches and crossing to increase track quality, to mitigate vibrations and reduce noise emission;

IRICoN: Interoperability of Railway Infrastructure Competence Network, establishing of national network of excellence in the field of interoperability

AdMaS (facility): Advanced Materials and Structures, a modern science centre and comprehensive civil engineering research institution

AKTION Czech Republic – Austria: Scientific seminars and excursions in the area of the railway sector in the Czech Republic and Austria (project carried out by Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions of BUT and Department of Railway Technology and Mobility of University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria)

Examples of recent publications:

PLÁŠEK, O.; HRUZÍKOVÁ, M.; SVOBODA, R.; BÍLEK, J., Under Sleeper Pads in Railway Track, paper in Communications, ISSN 1335-4205, 2014, EDIS – Publishing Institution of Zilina University, 2014

PLÁŠEK, O.; ŠVÁBENSKÝ, O.; VALENTA, M., Monitoring of Interaction between Railway Superstructure and Bridge, in Proceedings of the Fist International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, ISBN 978-1-905088-53-9, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2012

SMUTNÝ, J.; SADLEKOVÁ, D., The Vibration Analysis by Margenau-Hill Transformation Method, paper in v Communications, ISSN 1335-4205, EDIS – Publishing Institution of Zilina University, 2014

SVOBODA, R.; PLÁŠEK, O.; HRUZÍKOVÁ, M.; VALENTA, M.; MALOVANÝ, L., Plastic Sleeper Anchors in Czech Republic , ISBN 1848-9842, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2014