Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Acronym: UPHF E-mail: Frederic.
Telephone: 0033 (0)3 27 51 12 34
Address: UPHF – Le Mont Houy – 59313 – Valenciennes Cedex 9 – France
The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de France (UPHF) is a multidisciplinary university created in 1964 with about 10 000 students from French Baccalauréat to PhD Thesis.
The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de France (UPHF) is a modern, dynamic state university with a professionally-minded approach in teaching and research. Located right in the heart of Western Europe, the university is a part of the Academic Network „Université Lille Nord de France“. It is currently committed to a policy related to Europe which allows not only to reinforce its European connections but also, within its international programmes commitments, to be open to other continents.
The disciplines are in four main fields: Fine Arts-Literature-Languages; Law-Economics-Management; Humanities and Social Sciences; Sciences-Technology-Health. The university awards French national degrees at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level and uses the ECTS system for credit transfer and accumulation. Students have the opportunity to study abroad in one or more of 100 partner institutions. UPHF is a comprehensive university that includes 1 university institute of technology (IUT), 3 specialized institutes, 3 academic faculties, and 1 school of engineering. It is home to the Jean Monnet chair in the law of the European Union and changes in European economic and social integration.
The UPHF is highly committed to research, working in the regional context, particularly in the field of sustainable transportation, digital vision, advanced materials, and urban engineering and housing. These fields are the chief directions of research of UPHF ’s 8 laboratories involved in 4 broad research areas: 1) science and technology, 2) mathematics, 3) literature and humanities, and 4) information and communication. The university has set up cross-linked projects involving complementary research teams. Multi-disciplinary research allows links to be developed both with the courses offered and with added value and transfer activities between the university and the business world.
The professional dimension of its training, combined with the professional approach of its research and centres for knowledge and technology transfer, makes it an efficient partner to following studies in France.
- Frédéric Vanderhaegen: human reliability assessment, human error analysis, human-machine systems, learning systems, resilience
- Philippe Polet: barrier design and analysis, Benefit-Cost-Deficit model, human error prediction, driver vigilance
- Simon Enjalbert: resilience, learning, eco-driving and safety
- Denis Berdjag: Bayesian network, Marcov graph, driver vigilance, facial recognition and eye-tracking systems based analysis
for more recent activities follow the web.
VANDERHAEGEN F. (2014). Dissonance Engineering: A New Challenge to Analyse Risky Knowledge When using a System. International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 9(6), 776-785.
VANDERHAEGEN F., ZIEBA S. (2014). Reinforced learning systems based on merged and cumulative knowledge to predict human actions. Information Sciences, 276(20), 146-159.
AGUIRRE F., SALLAK M., VANDERHAEGEN F., BERDJAG D. (2013). An evidential network approach to support uncertain multiviewpoint abductive reasoning. Information Sciences, 253, 110-125.
SEDKI K., POLET P., VANDERHAEGEN F. (2013). Using the BCD model for risk analysis: An influence diagram based approach. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(9) 2172-2183.
OUEDRAOGO K-A., ENJALBERT S., VANDERHAEGEN F. (2013). How to learn from the resilience of Human–Machine Systems?. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1) 24-34.
VANDERHAEGEN F., POLET P., ZIEBA S. (2009). A reinforced iterative formalism to learn from human errors and uncertainty. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22 (4-5), 654-659,
VANDERHAEGEN F., JOUGLET D., PIECHOWIAK S. (2004). Human-reliability analysis of cooperative redundancy to support diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 53, 458-464.
VANDERHAEGEN F. (2001). A non-probabilistic prospective and retrospective human reliability analysis method – application to railway system. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 71, 1-13.
VANDERHAEGEN F. (1999). APRECIH : a human unreliability analysis method – application to railway system. Control Engineering Pratice, 7, 1395-1403.
VANDERHAEGEN F. (1999). Multilevel allocation modes – Allocator control policies to share tasks between human and computer. System Analysis Modelling Simulation, 35, pp. 191-213.
VANDERHAEGEN F. (1997). Multilevel organization design : the case of the air traffic control. Control Engineering Practice, 5, pp. 391-399.
The University of Valenciennes has a lot of links with industrial and academic partners such as:
- The Railenium Technological Research Institute
- The technopole of advanced equipment (C3T)
- The international campus (CISIT)
- The subsidiary dedicated to technology transfer (VALUTEC)
- The pole of advanced competencies in the image creation and digital creativity (IMAGE)
- French and international universities (e.g., UT Compiègne, UT Troyes, URCA, ULCO, Univ. Artois, TU Delft, TU Berlin, Univ. Leeds, Univ. Chalmers, Florida Institute of Technology, Univ. Tsukuba, Russia Far Eastern University, etc.)
- French and international research establishments (CNRS, INRIA, IFSTTAR, INRS, CETIM, VTI, DLR, UNIFE, VTT, EUROCONTROL, etc.)
The policy of the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis aims to ensure the consistency of development and an increasing visibility for its project on transports certified in 2007 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and labeled „Innovative Campus“.
The regional CISIT project 2007-2013 (International Campus for Safety and Intermodality in Transportations), the new technology park TRANSALLEY (innovative and sustainable mobility) currently under development and recently the Technological Research Institute Railenium (innovative railway infrastructures) are associated to this overall project of the University. In this context, a Centre for Research „Sustainable Transports and Mobility“ has been created in 2010 to ensure the coordination of steering and scientific consistency of LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 and TEMPO EA 4542 laboratories strongly involved in the sustainable transports and mobility activities of the University. Web site: http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/poleTMD/