Acronym:Â EMI E-mail: contact@emi.ac.ma
Telephone:(+212) 537 68 71 50
Address:Â Avenue Ibn Sina B.P 765, Agdal Rabat 10090 Maroc
The EMI is a general engineering school that offers 8 programs:
- Civil Engineering
- Mineral Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Modeling and Scientific
and 20 different options. This strategic choice has been adopted to better respond to the needs of the socio-economic sector, which are increasingly focused on generalist profiles, which are therefore versatile, efficient and capable of mobility and adaptation to different situations and functions.
As part of its research structures, teachers and their doctoral students (nearly 700 in 2019) are conducting research of good quality and very productive in terms of communications and publications in both national and international scientific journals. This research aims, in the first place, the development of innovative knowledge and know-how particularly in relation with the socio-economic environment but it also serves to enrich the training practiced by our teachers because we can’t consider a training of very high level without concomitant research
The EMI stands out clearly in the concert of the engineering schools by a relevant and high-level applied research strongly anchored in the industrial reality of Morocco but also concerned with constant updating and compliance with international standards of quality and quality.
For the realization of this offer, the CEDOC (centre des études doctorales) of the EMI counts, within it twenty research structures accredited by the University Mohammed V of Rabat, with advanced research topics covering a wide range of sciences of the engineer.
- Development of a national railway signaling technology-
- Energy efficiency
- Study of railway risks related to platform stability
- Study of risks related to Organizational and Human Factors,
- Engineering for smart & sustainable systems research center
- Civil engineering, water, environment, geoscience
- signalisation
- energy efficiency
- platform stability