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Name of Member: Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Acronym: BME KUKG
Telephone: 0036 1 463 1685
Address: BME Department of Transport Technology and Economics
Budapest, Muegyetem rkp. 3.
1111, Hungary

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Department of Transport Technology and Economics specializes in the complex task of providing education, carrying out research and fulfilling application oriented tasks related to the establishment and operation of (passenger and freight) transport systems, both from a global transport perspective, just as well as focusing on the individual transport modes. These assignments comprise the basic processes, the information management and economic questions too.

The competences of the department extend to the strategic and operative planning, technology design, operation and management, financial organization, technological and economic evaluation and legal control of transport networks and passenger and freight transport processes also with regard to the aspects of transport safety and sustainability. The courses offered by the Department encompass a wide range of fields, covering operational, technological, economic, ICT, organizational and management knowledge.

The department has been carrying out research and education in the interdisciplinary fields of transportation engineering and economics for nearly 60 years, focusing on questions like policy development, strategic planning, and decision support in transport and logistics. Thus, it has a number of experts who have an advanced and in-depth knowledge and experience in monitoring and evaluating policies, just as well as drafting reports using different qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation methodologies, like desk research, data analyses and case studies.

BME is an accredited IRU Academy Training Centre. Accented research programmes of the department cover fields such as the application potentials, education and counselling of the implementation of EDI, the development of the methodology and the programme package for investment financing, preparing feasibility studies, the elaboration of the application of privatisation techniques to transport and the application of multi-criteria decision supporting techniques in transport fields. The Department disposes of the necessary IT background and communication facilities required for the successful completion of the project. This includes a dedicated mail server, the indispensable presentation tools and adequate space for organizing workshops and meetings. Furthermore, this is backed up by the relevant and available infrastructure of the entire University.

The Department disposes of adequately equipped lecture halls and workshop spaces, just as well as the necessary hardware and software for carrying out and providing for study and research. This is complemented by active and mutual contacts and alive communication channels to the public administration and companies in the field. Furthermore, a good knowledge and in-depth experience of regional features is also at hand.


  • Transport economics;
  • railway economics
  • rail costing business case preparation
  • cost-benefit analysis and appraisal



  • rail regulation and performance benchmarking
  • rail pricing and infrastructure charging
  • rail marginal cost estimation
  • rail demand analysis and valuation
  • mode choice modelling


  • Miklós Bánfi (point of contact)
  • János Tóth PhD (Head of Department)
  • Dr. Katalin Tánczos
  • Dr. Éva Kövesné Gilicze
  • Zoltán Bokor PhD
  • Péter Mándoki PhD
  • Ferenc Mészáros PhD
  • Ádám Török PhD
  • Domokos Esztergár-Kiss
  • Tamás Mátrai

Recent / ongoing rail projects:

The department led domestic and international projects within the 5th, 6th and 7th EU research-development framework programme and within the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme as a contracting participant to projects, such as:

  • STARTER (Sustainable Transport for Areas with Tourism through Energy Reduction)
  • EcoRailS (Energy efficiency and environmental criteria in the awarding of regional rail transport vehicles and services)
  • DELTA (Concerted coordination for the promotion of efficient multimodal interfaces)
  • TRANS-AID (Transfer of Knowledge in Transport Infrastructure Financing)
  • IMPRINT-NET (Implementing Pricing Reform in Transport Networking)
  • REORIENT (Implementing Change in the European Railway System, a Project Supporting Seamless Inter-modal Freight Transport along a Trans-European corridor)
  • GRACE (Generalisation of Research on Accounts and Cost Estimation)
  • HEATCO (Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project Assessment)
  • SPECTRUM (Concepts to Reduce Environmental impact and Attain optimal Transport performance by Inland Navigation)
  • TIPP (Transport Institutions in the Policy Process)
  • MC-ICAM (Marginal Cost Pricing in Transport – Integrated Conceptual and Applied Model Analysis)